The present day community of Frydek was named in about the year 1895. Although Catholics, mostly of Czech origin, settled in and about San Felipe around 1852, Saint Mary’s parish did not come into existence until 1908. At that time most of its citizens were Catholic families of Czech origin coming to this country from Silesia, the Czech part of it, and Moravia, where Frýdek was the county seat and center of their district.
The Frydek community at that time had no church or cemetery of their own. After 1883, Reverend Francis Pridal from Brenham and Reverend Joseph Chromcik of Fayetteville made trips to the private home of John Pavlicek where Holy Masses were held. The San Felipe public cemetery was the burial place for Frydek.
The Sealy Catholic Church was built about 1887, at which time Frydek was affiliated. In the same year the people of Frydek started their own cemetery. The first real formation of the present cemetery was laid in a memorable meeting, March 31, 1890. The elderly John Pavlicek donated one acre for the new cemetery and in that meeting it was formally accepted, trustees elected, and thus began the new parish board. Father Weimar blessed the first cross for the Frydek cemetery in 1890.
In 1907, Reverend Frank Machan, pastor of Immaculate Conception, Sealy, ordered that a collection be taken for a building of a Catholic school which was to serve the children of Frydek and Sealy. The building was erected at the Frydek cemetery to serve as a school, sisters’ home and church. The building contract was signed on January 21, 1908 and a new school-church was completed the first part of May of the same year. Father William Skocek became pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish and saw the new school-church built and blessed by Most Reverend N. A. Gallagher on May 20, 1908. On this date Saint Mary’s became a mission parish of Immaculate Conception.
Parish school teachers were Sisters of the Order of the Divine Providence of San Antonio. Reverend William Skocek pastored Frydek until the fall of 1911. Reverend M. A. Dombrowski served until the spring of 1912. Then Frydek was attended by Monsignor Joseph A. Valenta from Saint Mary’s Seminary until September 5, 1912.
Because the new church was not in the center of the Frydek community it was hard for some parishioners to make the long trip to the cemetery. In the fall of 1916 the church was moved to the center of Frydek. Reverend Paul Nemec was pastor of Sealy at this time. During his pastorate Frydek grew rapidly with almost 100 families. With so many families in attendance, Frydek made the decision to become an independent parish. In 1917 the rectory was completed, and Reverend Nemec became the first resident pastor of Frydek on July 7, 1917. Reverend John Kalas followed him in June of 1922, who built the second St. Mary’s church for $14,000. It was dedicated by the Most Reverend C. E. Byrne, Bishop of Galveston on July 29, 1924.
Reverend A.W. Nesvadba became pastor of Frydek in 1927. Frydek had more than 100 families, about 120 children in the parish school and three Sister teachers. Thus far the Sisters lived in their apartments built into the old school-church. In 1930 a new home for the Sisters was built for about $1,800. Father Nesvadba stayed until 1936, being succeeded by Father F.J. Klobouk, who left in 1937, followed by Father F. Klinkacek. The parish school was closed in 1964.
In 1944 Father Lad Klimicek came to Frydek and served the parish until February 13, 1970 when he passed away. During Father Lad’s long service to the community of Frydek, a new rectory, a pavilion, a kitchen, a youth center, and a scout house were built. Also a grotto was built in thanksgiving for the men of Frydek who returned safely from World War II. The Grotto was built of reinforced concrete faced with weather eroded limestone. Father Lad and more than a dozen parishioners picked the rocks on the ranch in Georgetown, Texas to build the Grotto. For months thereafter, many came daily to erect the grotto. The Blessing of the completed Grotto was held on Sunday, May 1, 1949. Father Lad also built the legacy of the “Grotto Celebration” (Parish Bazaar) which became known far and wide for the vast crowds it attracted.
After Father Klimicek came Father George Bonhard who served the Frydek church and St. Roch’s parish in Mentz for a short time.
In July of 1970 Father Bernard Snock was welcomed into the parish and community of Frydek. Father Snock also served St. Roch’s parish for a number of years until St. Mary’s was realigned with the Galveston-Houston Diocese, now an Archdiocese. During Father Snock’s pastorate a new church was built in 1972, a religious education building was constructed and a pavilion was added to the parish hall with a kitchen. He retired in August of 2007 after 37 years of devoted service to the parish and community of Frydek.
Father Thuy Nguyen was assigned to Saint Mary’s Parish in Frydek on November 5, 2007 and Guardian Angel Parish in Wallis on December 1, 2007 by Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston. Father Thuy continues to serve both parishes faithfully.